On 2023-09-01 15:23, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
An icon in Muncie, IN for many years, Ball State University was the
result of the Ball brothers' commitment to the community.  Used to be
Ball State Teachers College, known by many as "Testicle Tech".

I went to Ball State in the late 90s to get my degree in Computer Science. I got my interest in Sun workstations from there because they use Solaris on Intel 2.5.1 running on Gateway PCs for student lab. They also had Ultra 1 or Ultra 2 as the department NFS and NIS server. Duane Gran ran SolarisCentral.org out of his off-campus apartment before he graduated.

I ended up working as a student operator/traffic assistant at the on-campus PBS station, WIPB-TV. I loved working at that station handling the media formats, VTR, and broadcast equipment.
I never heard it being called Testicle Tech while I was there.

-Andy Wallis

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