On Wed, 30 Aug 2023, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

Hence the short text lines on "home" computers.

The TRS80 used an RCA TV, converted into a monitor. (presumably bulk purchased before the tuner was installed).

OB_irrelevant: In the TV sitcom "Married With Children" in many seasons, on the Bundy kitchen counter was a [off white, instead of gray] TV of that model.

When I bought my TRS80 ($400, instead of $600, by buying without the "monitor" and cassette player), I used a CCTV composite monitor. I added an RCA jack, to use instead of the 5-pin DIN. I upgraded the RAM and ROM, added another key (Michael Shrayer's "Electric Pencil" needed a Control key), added Joe Garner's add-in board for reverse video and lower case, switched to a tri-state LED, and put Riv-Nuts in the base, so that the CPU and Expansion Interface were bolted to a thin piece of plywood. When the exterior paint was getting worn, I repainted it blue. Dave Sparks, the RS repair technician, was happy to ignore any mods that he understood, so he didn't void the warranty. When his boss objected, he said that since I had brought it in with an intact warranty label and paint on the screws, he assumed that I had done all of the mods through the vent slots, without opening it ("boat in a bottle" :-)

Fun fact - the "Warranty Void if Removed" tags were and are illegal. The warranty can only be voided if the mfgr can prove the thing you did resulted in the problem you're claiming warranty on. :)


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