3 feet high is a bit too large, hi, but the pictures on the website brings back memories. I remember the “coffee” machine, but back then (the way I remember it), it had vertically mounted an X / Y slider to generate “coffee!”/ “coffee?” 😊
I know Kees, a few years ago I helped him a bit moving house after his mother died. Last year I gave him a Siemens T1000 telex machine (5-bit) with reader/punch. He wanted to set up an RTTY mailbox … must ask him how that went along. He is a busy guy, I did not know the Evoluon website! Van: Paul Koning<mailto:paulkon...@comcast.net> Verzonden: vrijdag 18 augustus 2023 15:14 Aan: cctalk@classiccmp.org<mailto:cctalk@classiccmp.org> CC: Henk Gooijen<mailto:henk.gooi...@hotmail.com> Onderwerp: Re: [cctalk] Nixies.. > On Aug 17, 2023, at 11:01 AM, Henk Gooijen via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> > wrote: > > Yes, I remember those “nixies”. When you entered the building it was > impossible to _not_ see them. > If you walked under them, you ended up in the restaurant. > > The “do-things-yourself” museum is long gone, but the “UFO” saucer building > is still there. > When I am in the office, I can see the building, looking out the window. My > work is less than 1 km away. > I wonder if those “nixies” are still there, and if not, where they ended up … Kees Stravers, owner of the website about the Evoluon, reports that they were scrapped when the museum closed in 1989. You could of course reproduce them: they aren't actual Nixie tubes but rather a set of advertising sign type of neon lights, so any neon light craftsman could built such a thing. paul