Yes, absolutely.  One spindle motor, with a floppy hub on each end, and
two heads on one voice coil positioner, one for each floppy.  I had one
of those.  The performance improvement was VERY marginal.  I had to take
out the solenoid that lifted the pad that loaded the media against the
head, the timing of the head loading somehow was all wrong and allowed
it to start writing before the pad had fully loaded.

On Sun, 13 Aug 2023, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
Theoretically it could be done with only 2 motors--one spindle motor and
one positioner.  Probably not the best for performance, but doable.

ISTR that one of the "Dual" 5.25" floppy drives worked that way.
It might even have been Canon; there were two models, one with separate positioners, and one sharing a single positioner.

Grumpy Ol' Fred       

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