Or, is it correct to refer to anything between DA and DB as "DB"??
(such as "DB-23" on Amiga?   Yes, I dremeled a DB25 to fit.)

On Fri, 11 Aug 2023, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
Atari ST also used strange shell/pin count connectors.  Calling them DB
is obviously not correct--calling them DB-ish might be closer to fact.
FWIW, they're pretty hard to find nowadays.

I just called them D-23, since the shell size didn't seemto have been named/defined.

They weren't available when i got my Amiga, either.
But, I guess that there was a period in between when they might have been available.

My business neighbor had a fully equipped machine shop for making prototypes, but it was quite adequate for me to do crude work with a dremel and a Unimat.

Grumpy Ol' Fred                 ci...@xenosoft.com

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