On 6/27/2023 8:44 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk wrote:
More interesting is that All-In-One for the VAX comes on RX02 and
RL02 disks.
I wasn't aware that the VAX or VMS even supported RX or RL disks.
Sure. The 8600 and 11/730 used an RL02 as the boot/startup media.
Don't know the 8600. Wasn't the RL02 on the 11/730 actually connected
to a PDP-11
that functioned as a console? Surely no version of VMS ever fit on a
10M disk, did it?
RX02 is a bit odd, but I could see that being supported on a Unibus
adapter which existed for the big systems and the BI systems.
But the question would have been why? :-)
Maybe the 11/730 was the entry level All in One, at least before
Microvax became popular
Maybe, but can you see a small office running an 11/730 just to get
those particular
apps? :-)