On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 2:53 PM Bjoren Davis via cctalk < cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> > When it was decomissioned it was just cut out, so it's missing its > chassis, hinges, controller board, power supplies, vacuum blower, vacuum > pressure limit switches, etc. The cables to the heads are just cut (no > connectors). So in other words, everything but the tape transport? My goal is to replace all of the missing controller parts with some SOC > boards (e.g., a Teensy 4.1), ultimately to be able to use this drive to > read and write tapes. I'd love to reuse the console board as it is. > Good luck. And I mean that sincerely. If starting with what (little) you have you end up with a working tape drive it will be quite the accomplishment. Sellam