> On Jun 7, 2023, at 11:26 AM, Jonathan Katz via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have an IBM 6152 aka IBM RT system I rescued. (It may be a 6151?)

You have a 6151, the 6152 has VGA graphics (is built inside a PS/2 Model 60)

> I'm 90% sure it has colour graphics. The system does seem to POST
> correctly (according to the LED on the front) but the CRT is dead. I'm
> wondering if anyone has built an adapter to hook this to a VGA
> monitor.

You’re going to run into trouble, then, as the video signal is completely 
incompatible with a normal VGA multisync monitor. It’s TTL color, interlaced, 
with a horizontal scan frequency less than 31kHz. 720x512 interlaced.

The RT knows how to use a “standard” IBM PC MDA or EGA adapter. Might be better 
off using one of those instead, at least for now.


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