> I'm suprised to hear you're familliar with the GreaseWeasel but have > never heard of BlueSCSI. ( https://scsi.blue/ ). Though SASI > compatability seems "possible but not guaranteed", being an open source > project, you can probably wangle the existing PCB's/software to be SASI > compliant. More research, that i can leave you to perform, will probably > help with that endeavor.
The only reason I've heard of the Greaseweazle is that it was recommended to me. I did ask at the start of this thread about other similar flux-transition interfaces but got no real information. On the grounds I could get a Greaseweazle easily, it was fairly inexpensive and it's open-source I've decided to give it a go. Still not managed to get the software working, which is probably down to the Windows installation on this machine. But I am going to take the adviceof some more knowledgeable friends before I change anything. I suspect that making a SASI-SD interface is something I could attempt myself. > Anyway, you seem to truly have your heart set on the Greaseweasel. As > long as you can write, or find, software that can turn the Weasels > output into something useful, i'm sure it will suit your purposes fine. > Of course, if you're archiving software froma truly unknown format, it > will almost definitely be the best solutions. Getting useful data into > and out of it is where the trouble will be. Most of my computers [1] use normal FM or MFM disks and I would hope the Greaseweazle software could handle that.If I can convert to/from a disk image file I can probably carry on on my own. One problem with the Greaseweazle is that there is no documentation. I would at least have expected the equivalent of a man page. Knowing what the options are, what it claims to be able to do, etc would be a good start! [1] I do have machines using GCR recording (Apple ][. Sirius (Victor 9000), etc). And M2FM (DEC RX02). And that odd double-density system used by Intel in the MDS800. But I can manage without being able to transfer to/from those, at least at the start. -tony > > Good luck! > > > Josh