On 18/05/2023 05:16, Tony Duell via cctalk wrote:
Now what are the options. Greaseweazle or.... ? What are the
advantages and disadvantates of each?

For the Greaseweazle it looks like I can get one and it seems to be
open source with schematics of the hardware. I'd prefer more buffering
of the disk drive signals, but anyway. Will it do what I want?

Both Greaseweazle and FluxEngine are open source software and based on (different) standard hardware.

A ready built Greaseweazle is less than £25 and the PSoC? dev board the FluxEngine uses was about £20 but you get to solder on a connector.

I picked the FluxEngine because I could get hold of the parts at the time, and I still think that's probably your main consideration. Software wise they seem to have similar capabilities.

If you have a specific list of formats you care about you could check:

Geaseweazel formats: https://github.com/keirf/greaseweazle/wiki/Supported-Image-Types

FluxEngine formats: http://cowlark.com/fluxengine/index.html

There are other flux readers out there but they either don't seem to have much momentum behind them (so you might be stuck if you need a new format added) or they're closed like KyroFlux.

At ~£25 you're unlikely to lose much with either of the two front runners :-)


Antonio Carlini

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