Thanks for taking the time to document the show. I went to the link provided 
and only PART 1 and PART 6 link to other pages. Are parts 2-5 just not written 
yet? Or a bug in the html?

73 Eugene W2HX
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-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lewis via cctalk <> 
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 1:38 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <>
Cc: Steve Lewis <>
Subject: [cctalk] VCF East 2023 photos

Videos are nice, but I still like to make a kind of "scrap book" of events I've 
been to.  Link is below.

Also, most exhibitors were occupied interacting with the public and maybe 
didn't get a chance to see what else was presented at this VCF.  Or, maybe they 
didn't get to see what all else the museum and local area had to present - so 
seeing photos might give them ideas of things to check out next time.

Or, in general, for anyone not able to attend, here are some photos also.

Feel free to use/share, no permission needed.

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