We still have ice on the inside of the windows up here šŸ˜‰

Nice of you guys to remember this history.  Some of the STAR designers and team 
are still around and kicking.  Just had lunch with four of them last Friday.

I learned too that as they migrated the design from STAR to 205 to ETA10, some 
of that ā€œmagicā€ in the logic design became black magic as they got stuff 
working, like stream instructions,  but didnā€™t know how or why :-)    
Simulation said it shouldnā€™t work but reality said it didā€¦

Chris Elmquist

> On Mar 9, 2023, at 10:11 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> ļ»æAs to what a "station" looked like:
> https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/6d/fa/156dfa0a3b573b6ff9ca074d62fb19a9.jpg
> Those things with CRT terminals on them are stations--they handle the
> various I/O tasks.  Basically, 16 bit minicomputers.
> The photo might be the installation at CDC ADL, from the low ceiling and
> cramped space.   During the OPEC oil embargo, I made myself comfortable
> with a pillow borrowed from my room at the Ramada and a good book
> nestled between the SBUs.   It was probably the warmest place for miles.
>  The offices at ARHOPS, by contrast, had ice on the inside of the
> windows...
> Back then, in Sunnyvale, you had three choices if you were doing OS
> development.  You could turn in your build materials to the STAR-1Bs at
> SVLOPS and hope that an all-night (the 1B ran at 1/100 the speed of the
> 100) session didn't end in a system crash.   You could finagle some CE
> time at Lawrence Livermore, which was far from a sure thing (one of the
> reasons for having a DOE "Q" clearance).  Or you could hop the "noon
> balloon" out of San Jose to the Twin Cities and use the STAR at ADL.  If
> it was wintertime, my department in Sunnyvale had a "community parka"
> for those unfortunates visiting the land of ice sports.
> --Chuck

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