> On Mar 8, 2023, at 8:18 PM, Grant Taylor via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
> wrote:
> The label near the power switch says that it's an 8580-071. I have no idea
> how that compares to the hardware that's in it.
That would be 16 MHz, one 70 MB ESDI HDD (IBM 0667). Maximum 2 MB on the planar
(2x 1 MB modules).
> There is a video card that has a daughter-card in the same slot like a thick
> sandwich.
likely 8514/A
> There is another card that I don't recognize. The card doesn't have any
> external connectors and it looks like it takes multiple (approximately 4"x4")
> daughter-cards. I am wondering if this is a memory expansion of some sort.
> There are two of what I believe are the memory boards between the back hard
> drive and the power supply.
> Blech.
> Please share any pro-tips / gotchas / etc. that you think I could benefit
> from knowing.
You’ll want the reference disk, and the option disks for the various boards
installed. The base reference disk should have the necessary files to configure
the ESDI controller and drives, might also have the necessary files to
configure the memory expansion boards (not sure). Probably won’t have the
8514/A files so you’ll definitely need that option disk, unless you copy a
reference disk already customized with support for those options.