Not really technical, but a couple of presentation points :

There's a long tail to the video with no video and blank audio. After a
while, a section of audio from the main flow is repeated.

It seems to be common to consider Youtube videos more approachable if
they're up to about 10 minutes long. You might benefit by splitting it into
2 parts.

And even further off topic ..  I see that the pictorial guide includes
machines from GB and Japan (and I think a Sharp is mentioned in the
description). Although GB was heavily influenced by USA machines it did
have it's own distinct history and so, I think, did Japan. Russia also had
clones of well known machines and their own designs. Did any other
countries have a history that was more complex than  picking the best known
parts of the international trade ?

On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 11:24 AM Steve Lewis via cctalk <> wrote:

> Greetings,
> We're making final touches on a short history-video we've been making about
> home computers (my daughter, in middle school, has been helping).
> If anyone has time/interest to do a review, the draft listing is here:
> Unless anyone spots a gross technical error, we're hoping to render the
> final sometime this weekend or sometime this month.
> Thanks,
> Steve

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