Thank you very much Vince.

On Sun, 26 Feb 2023, 3:48 pm Vincent Slyngstad via cctalk, <> wrote:

> On 2/25/2023 10:46 PM, Tom Hunter via cctalk wrote:
> > Hi Vince,
> >
> > Could you please point us to the Makefile which "actually converts a disk
> > image" using SIMH to "automate the ritual of unistalling RK05 drivers and
> > replacing them with SerialDisk drivers"?
> Ah, I seem to have misspoken.  Inspecting the Makefile in .../installer,
> it still runs the executable "handler_installer", which is the older
> tool that more or less just hammers a new system handler and bootstrap
> into place.
> The script for the new installer is "sdsk".  This sets up a path for the
> tools, copies the newest driver binaries into the exploded disk image
> (while padding them to an even block length), then imploding the
> exploded directory and making a new bootable RK05 image.
> Then "runbuild" is invokes, which in turn invokes SIMH and sends a
> series of commands to BUILD.SV to remove various other drivers and
> install the "SDSKSY" and "SDSKNS" drivers copied above.  Finally, the
> "BOOT" command is given to write the new second stage (and third stage)
> bootstrap.  The self-modified BOOT.SV is also saved as BUILT.SV.
> Sorry for the confusion.
> If you don't want to use diagpack2, is helpful, but basically
> you need to edit the line:
> image=diagpack2
> in the sdsk script, and to have previously copied in your starting
> image, and run ../tools/os8xplode on it. also contains
> information about the need for "perl", "socat", and "expect" and to get
> them (on Linux, anyway).
> Oh, and the SIMH initialization file (pdp8.ini) is also firing up the
> server program, so you need to tweak that to make your ""
> available to the SIMH serial emulation.  That script used to also
> require a functioning xterm, but it doesn't any more.  If you have xterm
> and want to see the server log in real time, there are lines there to
> invoke ../server/server the other way, and you can un-comment that and
> comment out the bash line.
> Once you've done all the above, it suffices to just type "pdp8" in that
> directory and your new system should boot in SIMH.
> Hope that helps,
>         Vince
> > On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 2:34 AM Vincent Slyngstad via cctalk <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> ...
> >>
> >> The one I use most uses the SIMH simulator to automate the ritual of
> >> uninstalling RK05 drivers and replacing them with SerialDisk driver.
> >> The Makefile there will actually convert a disk image, and you could
> >> just swipe the default one once it's been made.
> >>
> >>

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