I’d just like to say that 25 years ago, RD53’s were *EVIL*.  I do have one that 
I should try taking apart.  I failed to back it up the first time I powered it 
on.  It didn’t boot the second time.

ESDI or SCSI is the way to go, at least that was true 20-25 years ago.  Today 
I’d be inclined to say SCSI is the way to go.


> On Feb 3, 2023, at 7:48 PM, Chris Zach via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> Some thoughts on this day of working on MFM drives:
> 1) MFM drives are just going bad. They were always kind of meh in terms of 
> reliability, but I think even since 2019 (the last time I checked these 
> drives) things have gotten worse. Drives which were readable and good then 
> are now either shot or throwing errors and they have had an easy 3+ years in 
> my upstairs room.
> 2) There are at least two RQDX3 ROM sets. The earlier one does not support 
> the RX33 floppy and doesn't give any info during formatting. The later 
> version (Version 4) does support the RX33 and is a lot nicer.
> 3) Seagate drives seem to be pretty good, especially the 20mb ones. They have 
> no problems, work well, and are pretty right-sized for an RT11 system.
> 4) RD53 drives are weird. Their main failure is the drive head positioner 
> just gets stuck and needs to be worked loose. Unfortunately that requires 
> removing the lid. Fortunately there is a good filter in the drive along with 
> an air handler that runs air from inside the drive body through the filter, 
> then into the spindle where it is blown over the heads. Result is a pretty 
> clean drive on the inside and so far opening the lid doesn't seem to be a 
> recipe for instant destruction. Go figure.
> I may try an RD53 in one of my Pro/380's. It's about time I loaded up the 
> final version of P/OS, as I can use the Gotek floppy to load everything 
> instead of screwing with the RX50's. Or can I do that and switch disks on the 
> fly with a single Gotek... Hm.
> 5) For anything bigger, it's time to retire the MFM drives. Unlike RL02's 
> these things just were not that reliable when new and at this point are kind 
> of falling apart. I have not had any trouble with the ESDI disks, but it 
> might just be a matter of time. Perhaps I should look into duplexing my 330mb 
> CDC drive in the 11/84....
> CZ

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