On Tue, Jan 31, 2023, 11:37 AM Ethan O'Toole via cctalk <
cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

> > What do you guys think of the "archive-ness" of current solid state
> > devices?  M.2, NVMe, SSD, or even USB thumb sticks?   A friend proposed
> > that when one of those starts to go bad, any kind of partial data
> recovery
> > becomes difficult - but any more difficult than the old traditional
> > magnetic media?
> I thought Flash could only hold the data in them X amount of years until
> the junctions discharge or whatever? It's less permanent than decent
> quality optical or pro magnetic media?

Spec is 1 or 3 years retention at end of life. At start of life it can be a
decade for QLC parts or 30 years for SLC parts.... though those latter
numbers aren't guaranteed.

You have to plug them in every so often to refresh I believe.

Yes. And access all the used block for some firmware (some won't do
proactive scans).


>                         - Ethan
> --
> : Ethan O'Toole

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