> On Jan 27, 2023, at 11:23 AM, Jon Elson via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> On 1/26/23 19:13, Paul Koning via cctalk wrote:
>>> On Jan 26, 2023, at 6:29 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I take that back about Versatec, CHM has a document from 1970 on their
>>> electrostatic printer:
>>> https://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/X163.83A
>>> I know that Lawrence Livermore had one and used it quite a bit back in
>>> the day.
>>> --Chuck
>> I worked with one of those on the PLATO system in 1976, where it was used in 
>> bitmap graphics mode to print music scores.  That at first worked very badly 
>> because the paper transport was chain driven, with enough slack in the  
>> drive that if you'd stop and start it, you'd get irregular paper feeding 
>> with as a result gaps in the graphics.  I fixed this by writing a new driver 
>> that was designed to stream, so it would never stop in mid-job.
> Interesting.  I maintained a bunch of Versatec 1200A printers at work, and 
> ended up with a couple of them at home.  horrible paper, like a dirty 
> chalkboard, smelly toner, if the paper was handled before it dried the toner 
> could come off on your hands, etc.  But, I had never seen the issue with gaps 
> in graphics, and our drivers, especially on the Nat Semi 16032 system was 
> VERY slow in graphics mode.

Perhaps it was misalignment, or maybe a different model.  I definitely remember 
the chain drive, and the play it had, and the defective printout.  The solution 
was to run in "streaming mode" -- non-stop data.  Hard to do given that the 
mainframe ran a bunch of high priority real time jobs: the PLATO components.  
Solution: do the entire job in a peripheral processor, using the CPU only to 
provide an I/O buffer area for reading the file being printed.

I remember the funny paper, not so much the smelly toner.  It wasn't as bad as 
the screen capture printer we had one floor down, made (I think) by Varian -- 
it somehow captured the image on the orange dot plasma panel display using 
strange paper and nasty liquid toner.  The process used is a mystery to me; it 
had to be some optical magic because you can't, as far as I know, read out the 
state of a PLATO terminal plasma panel electronically.  Those panels are 
bistable, the pixels are actual memory cells, but I can't think of a way to 
sense electrically whether one is on or off.

> When laser printers came out, I was VERRRY glad to move into the future!
> Jon



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