In high school I had signed up for an electronics class and then my family 
transferred to another city. 
In the high school that I then enrolled in, there was no electronics class so I 
was given the option of another class - I chose typing, which turned out to be 
a great choice. 
Since I had started the class mid-semester I wasn't required to pass any 
proficiency test, so it didn't matter how fast I was. 
At the same time, I learned to touch-type which was perfect when I became 
involved with computers, as all the other programmers were doing hunt-and-peck! 

From: "David Barto via cctalk" <> 
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <> 
Cc:, "David Barto" <> 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2023 9:15:48 AM 
Subject: [cctalk] Re: Typing class in high school 

> On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 5:15 PM Bill Gunshannon via cctalk < 
>> wrote: 
>> And, yes, even as a male I had typing in high school. 
> I had typing as an elective class in 7th grade in 1984. It gave me the 
> ability to type in programs faster. 
> Sellam 
> C: i took typing as a senior in 1985. The lady was a former military officer, 
> in her 60s or later. Everyone was scared shirtless of her. 1 puerto rican 
> girl who sat up front could do 90wpm. Me, I sat in the back. I'm still a very 
> flawed typist. Iow I suck. 

I took typing as an elective in summer school before my senior year of high 
school, in preparation for typing papers at college. I failed the class because 
I would backspace and overtype the wrong character. 

In college I used UCSD Pascal on Terak’s. So I could backspace to my hearts 

Still not a very good typist, and at least now the backspace doesn’t screw up 
what I send out. 

(I took care to count the number of times I had to backspace while typing this 
message: 5) 


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