I snipped this from an instant post on facebook, 26Jan2022 at 12:35pm
Eastern Standard Time.::
We just de-commissioned our HP3000 minicomputer in December 2022 and are
willing to give it away free to anyone willing to pick it up. Photos to
follow, but it is the whole system, with 2 green bar printers, manuals
et al.
Be sure you understand what this is. It is a 1970s era minicomputer that
is large and heavy. Sitting on our loading dock inside our building it
takes up maybe 10 feet of wall space. This is not a modern "mini
computer" like an Intel NUC or Mac Mini... this thing is a BEAST.
Priority given to whomever can pick it up first during business hours
(8:00am to 5:00pm). Located in Denver, Colorado near I-25 and Colorado Blvd.
- [cctalk] HP3000 recently deinstalled available ... Technoid Mutant via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: HP3000 recently deinstalled a... Chris via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: HP3000 recently deinstall... ben via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: HP3000 recently deins... Angel M Alganza via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: HP3000 recently d... Warner Losh via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: HP3000 recently d... ben via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: HP3000 recently deinstall... ED SHARPE via cctalk
- [cctalk] Re: HP3000 recently deinstalled a... ED SHARPE via cctalk