On 1/21/23 07:26, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:

> An interesting note.  I have a device from DBIT that lets you
> hook up an 8" disk to the interface for 5.25 or 3.5 floppies.
> I wonder how I would go about reversing that process so I could
> hook one of these GOTEKs up in place of a physical 8" disk.

The Micro Solutions adapter that I have from ca. 1989 is a purely
passive PCB--the TG43 signal is generated on the Compaticaard.  A Gotek
would be blissfully ignorant of this signal, as will many 8" drives.
After all, an 8" drive with any intelligence knows that it's stepped 43
tracks from home.  It's just the very early 8" drives that use this signal.


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