@ Bill Gunshannon Long live PROLOG dude! Something I've never delved into but am fascinated by.
Expert systems are just tricked out database systems. I have to imagine they are used. They just never lived up to the hype. AI in any form, I suppose, will make real what many had as a vision for computers in the 80s. To amplify or enhance human ability to accomplish a task. But humans are lazy and will eventually turn too much of their own autonomy over to computers. I for one am a very responsible driver. The only thing I've ever collided with was a guard rail when I was 19. And it was raining. Dented my fender some. But continued on. Never been in an accident that wasn't TOTALLY AND ENTIRELY the fault of the other driver. And in both instances they hit me. So after 38 years of driving, I need a computer to do it for me. Sorry I'll pass.