Fred, that outcome may actually be favorable to other possible fates AI could 
intend for humanity. Harland Ellison wrote a short story well over 30 years 
ago, describing the plight of 4 humans trapped inside a really big AI. The 
machine had the ability to alter their dna, turning some of them into 
essentially monkeys, physically anyway. There came a point where 1 person had 
to sacrifice themself, not by taking his own life, but by killing the other 3. 
The remaining human was summarily reduced to a amorphous blob, that could move 
around sort of, but had no hope of being able to render the strength to take 
his own life. And had to live out it's days in that form.

My worst nightmare is some fiendish AI turning me into a really beautiful 
woman. Maybe with no arms. The Terminator future doesn't seem so bad by 

     On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, 09:25:43 PM EST, Fred Cisin via cctalk 
<> wrote:  
 Unlike human students, once it has been informed that in C, etc., an 
integer is signed by default, unless specified otherwise, it therefore 
knows, and is not surprised at what happens when the int is incremented 
past its range.
And, it probably understands that floating point numbers are an 
approximation, and therefore not exact.

How long before it comes to the realization that humans must be 


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