You're quite right. I'm in Maryland, near Washington, DC. As to prices, I'm 
looking for best offer. Preference to local pick up.  Things, like the HP-150 
docs, may become "free to a good home for shipping". By the way, I don't need 
any more emails telling me how valuable the DOS 1.0 is. I get it.
Bill S.
    On Monday, January 16, 2023 at 04:07:21 PM EST, 
<> wrote:  
Location??  Prices?? or Free?

On 1/16/2023 2:28 PM, William Sudbrink via cctalk wrote:
> I'm not getting rid of my whole collection or anything, but things are
> getting a little tight in terms of physical space and I have stuff that
> simply doesn't keep my interest.  I'd rather not do ebay so I'll offer them
> here first.  I will put up pictures if there is interest.  None of this is
> "barn stored".  It has all been in my temperature controlled house since
> last century.
> 1)      HP series 100 (the 150 and 150 touchscreen II) documentation.  This
> could be described as the "grey wall" for the HP 150.  All the basic books
> plus Wordstar, Spellstar, Multiplan, etc.etc.  At least 20 "boxed books".
> Many (I think all but have not checked yet) have original diskettes.  HP-150
> with built in printer to come when I get back to it.
> 2)      IBM PC original "boxed books"
> a) "DOS" part number 6024001 on spine.  I would call the condition
> excellent.  Two original 5.25 diskettes:  DIAGNOSTICS Version 1.02 6081552.
> DOS Version 1.00 6172212  (I'm tempted to keep this because of the CP/M -vs-
> DOS controversy)
> b) "DOS" part number 6024001 on spine with round sticker "1.10 with
> Graphics".  I would call the condition very good.  One original 5.25
> diskette:  DOS Version 1.10 1502330
> c) Four UCSD p-System books: Beginner's guide, Assembler reference, Internal
> Architecture Guide, User's guide.  The "User's guide" box contains five
> original 5.25 diskettes: STARTUP, SYSTEM 2, SYSTEM 4, EXTRAS and UTILITIES.
> 3)      IBM FORTRAN-77 Reference for the UCSD p-System "boxed book".
> Contains one original 5.25 diskette: UCSD p-System FORTRAN Version IV.0
> 6936510
> 4)      IBM COBOL Compiler by Microsoft "boxed book".  Contains two original
> 5.25 diskettes: LIBRARY 6936566,  COBOL 6172250
> 5)      Various other original IBM PC "boxed books".  Document Retrieval
> Assistant, 3101 Emulation, Dow Jones Reporter, SNA 3270, etc. etc.  Maybe a
> dozen.
> 6)      The box and binder for "Guide to operations, Personal Computer XT".
> Unfortunately, it does not contain this.  Instead it contains "The CP/M and
> IBM Public Domain Library" by Dynacomp.  This all seems to be later CP/M,
> running on the IBM PC or Kaypro.  Just documentation and listings, no media.
> 7)      IBM Graphics Development Toolkit "boxed book".  Three original 5.25
> diskettes: VDI device drivers, Language Libraries, Supplemental Programs.
> 8)      BASIC - Personal Computer - PCjr "boxed book". Contains original ROM
> Cartridge "Cartridge BASIC" 1302285.  (Maybe this should go with the PCjr I
> will be offering when I dig it out)
> 9)      ERGO MOBY BRICK 486DX-33 computer. Missing original power supply.  I
> cobbled together a supply last century some time and it worked then.  Has
> not been powered on in at least 25 years.
> 10)  Osbone Executive.  Limited Edition, personalized plaque to "ANNETTE
> KING".  It ran last century.  Has not been powered on in at least 25 years.
> More to come.
> Bill S.


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