While not necessarily the basis fir the pt68k, there was a similar European project computer that was touched on a month or 2 earlier. I have not seen or heard any other mention anywhere else though. The box they had it in had an exceptionally sexy bezel.
There was also Fidel Castros Cuban computer. I want to say that was 8088 based, but don't really know. Hell they're probably still using them! On Tuesday, December 27, 2022, 10:57:46 PM EST, Will Cooke via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote: > On 12/27/2022 9:52 PM CST Bill Degnan via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> > wrote: > > > Which issue of Radio Electronics? > Bill > I don't know which issues it's in, but they are all here: https://worldradiohistory.com/Radio_Electronics%20_Master_Page.htm