No, but I found that even the incredible graphics cards they built
couldn't keep up with the pace of generic processors just increasing in
speed at an exponential rate. This also took out chips like the Elsa
Gloria cards, exceptionally fast, but eclipsed by Pentium processors
pretty quickly.
Was interesting to go back and forth before we figured this out.
On 12/24/2022 10:26 AM, Sellam Abraham via cctalk wrote:
You're single-handedly responsible for the downfall of SGI?
Do tell.
On Sat, Dec 24, 2022, 7:21 AM Chris Zach via cctalk <>
I still use my Indigo Elan from time to time. Oddly enough it was I who
discovered the interesting issue that ultimately sank SGI's graphics
market when evaluating Hollidance on the Elan vs a baseline Indy.
Nice little system and runs SimCity.
On 12/23/2022 9:57 PM, Chris via cctalk wrote:
An Indy for instance, is it much faster then a similarly clocked
PowerMac? What about an Indigo 2 IMPACT 10000. Does that blow most PMs away?
Anyone using an I2 or Indy with regularity? I have a purple box
somewhere. I foumd the teal boxes much more visually appealing.