Hello Chuck and Jay,

I took this off list because I'm not sure people would be interested.

I made a simple board with level shifters to allow me to use a PJRC Teensy 4.1 (https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy41.html) with a Pertec interface.  I called it a "Pertexus".

The Teensy is really nice because it's actually available, relatively cheap, and has Ethernet.

The firmware I wrote creates a simple USB "serial" command line interface which allows me to read tapes to files on the SD card, write tape images from the SD card, and do a bunch of hairy diagnostic things.  I've only tested it with my Qualstar 1052 drive.

In theory the setup could be used to emulate a drive, but I haven't actually tried that.

Is this interesting to you?



On 11/29/2022 6:21 PM, Chuck Guzis via cctalk wrote:
On 11/29/22 13:31, Jay Jaeger via cctalk wrote:

I very much care; indeed I had thoughts of maybe doing something
similar, using a BeagleBone, but this sounds a lot easier.

Would like to know exactly what board you chose, so I can acquire one. I
have a cipher drive and an HP 88780A that would be good candidates to
use with this / use this to test.  I also have a DG drive that might
well have a Pertec interface (haven't looked in a while).
Hi Jay,

The board I'm using is the STM32F4VE, described here:


Cheap and available; generally about $14-15 from Aliexpress.

I've toyed with the STM32H750 board (very similar, but runs at 400Mhz;
the added cost didn't contribute anything toward functionality.

Your DG might well be Pertec-interface, but you can check that out with
Bruce Ray.

Oh, a word of caution is in order... With the chip shortage, a lot of
Chinese vendors are re-labeling GDS32F407 and CKS32F407 chips with the
ST logo and markings.  I've run into a few, but generally, they perform
as well as--and in some cases, better than, the real thing.

I'll put you on my mailing list...

All the best,

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