Hi and thanks for reading... I am on the way to getting a small Q-Bus PDP11 up and running (I used to work on and repair then in the 1980s) and have some boards and a chassis now, but I cannot find any documentation for a couple of less common boards I have got - any help would be greatly appreciated - but I have looked in the usual places...
The main issues are: Mentec M70 CPU - There are jumpers for serial port config and speed.. I have got a glossy leaflet for it but no jumper info.. GRC MLV11 - two serial lines and 128KB memory, but configured with switches - lots of switches... Also is anyone has any old Q-Bus parts in the UK (particularly any Baydel parts) that are looking for a good home, I would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading - any help or info much appreciated! Regards, Robin Downs Email: rdo...@radix.co.uk<mailto:rdo...@radix.co.uk>