On 12/11/2022 10:28, Tony Duell via cctalk wrote:
I thought it was well-known that nothing can be designed without at
least one microcontroller.

The other day I saw a product with a flashing LED, the flash rate was
set with a knob. Yes, a microcontroller with a pot connected to an
analogue input and LED hung off an output port. This is the sort of
thing I'd do with a couple of transistors or an NE555 depending on
which turned up in the junk box first.

$deity I hate modern electronics.

Surely a microcontroller is just a 555 with a few extra transistors? Another tool in the box, just that it happens to be very cheap.

You should check out Usagi Electric on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Nakazoto/videos, he's putting together a valve-based recreation  of 1-bit processor (the MC14500B). He makes his own PCBs too :-)


Antonio Carlini

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