On Thu, 3 Nov 2022, Grant Taylor wrote:
Does anyone have a 101 level boot strap guide for someone wanting to get into creating better-than-dd disk images?

I'm finding myself back in a position where I want to image / preserve multiple 5¼ & 3½ inch disks. I think all of them are PC compatible disks. Probably standard FAT-12 and a handful of super capacity disk formats from the likes of IBM / Microsoft where they tried to squeeze 1.6 (?) MB on a 3½ inch disk.

Short answer: ImageDisk

For FAT/DOS disks, I have a small script that creates both an .imd file and a .zip file of the disk contents, essentially this:

# Create both .imd and .dd image
imd -i1 -R -a -d $DRV -r "$NAME.imd"
# Compress
pigz -9 "$NAME.imd"
# Create directory listing
mdir -i "$NAME.imd.dd" -a/ > "$NAME.dir"
# Extract contents from .dd
mkdir "$NAME"
mcopy -i "$NAME.imd.dd" -smpv :: "$NAME/"
# ZIP contents
cd "$NAME"
zip -r "../$NAME.zip" .
# Remove temporary files
cd ..
rm -rf "$NAME"
rm -f "$NAME.imd.dd"


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