On 10/29/22 01:06, ED SHARPE via cctalk wrote:
Re below..... why would they refuse cash?
And vy the way, as soon as I had it, I offered it, but
they refused the tender.
If they accepted any amount from Sellam, they were on the hook for a lot
of laws
and regulations in the state. CA has some of the most extensive tenancy
rules anywhere.
From their treatment of Sellam, they broke them, but when you step into
the legal realm, you get into another cesspool. Ruled by lots of
money. If you
can't pay rent, you usually can't afford the retainer for a good lawyer.
I had a dispute to pursue about 7 years ago, and when I sought out a
firm to handle it, the starting retainer was $25,000. No guarantees.
So Sellam
was between a rock and a hard place most likely.
The way the landlord handled his collection was stupid, so I'm not sure
I understand
that either.
I'm going only on the fact I know Sellam lost a huge collection. He has
nothing to me. I'm reading in a lot from a loss I suffer from outright
theft of my
own in Riverside county. Mine involved criminal behavior, but again $$
The Storage wars show and fad of doing such things as well as how tax
sales are handled in the country is a total crock. The law breaks into
a part
of rights and the like and then equity. The rights part is pretty well
But those who want do screw you like tax collectors, storage unit owners can
unfairly (my term) seize all assets you have on the property to satisfy
the debt
In the case of Storage units (not what Sellam had, he was a regular
tenant) they
seize the entire contents from you after a very short time of
delinquency and sell
it all and pocket the proceeds like they won the lottery.
All sucks.
Still sad he had his situation after all this time.