> On Oct 24, 2022, at 7:39 PM, Ian McLaughlin via cctalk 
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Did anyone else just get the semi-automated-looking email from the Living 
> Computer Museum reminding that the online collection is still online and how 
> to access it? It was a bit of a shock to me - I was aware that the online 
> collection was still accessible, but it just seems ‘strange’ to get an email 
> from them out of the blue. Oh how I wished it was some good news.
> Here’s hoping that one day Vulcan realize what they have.

I remember getting such a thing months ago, but not recently.  When I did some 
looking it appeared to me that essentially all of what's online is simulators, 
not real machines.  That's nice but not very special; it's something many other 
hobbyists could duplicate.


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