its nice seeing phillips getting some love its some interesting history

On Fri, Sep 30, 2022 at 12:54 PM Peter Corlett via cctalk <> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 10:39:46AM -0500, Adrian Stoness via cctalk wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 10:26 AM Tony Duell via cctalk <
> >> wrote:
> >> Does anyone have a Philips P2000C CP/M luggable with the carrying strap?
> >> I will be restoring such a machine in the near-ish future and mine is
> >> lacking the strap. Clear photos of the end fittings that slot into the
> >> machine, the dimensions of them, etc would be a great help in making
> >> something up.
> > get ahold of the phillips radio museum in holland they might have photos?
> > they have some of the computers on display
> Note that there are (at least) _two_ Philips museums: the "Stichting tot
> Behoud van Historische Philips Producten" (Foundation for the Preservation
> of Historic Philips Products) and the Philips Museum. Their websites are
> and Both are in
> Eindhoven, as is much of the interesting bits of Philips itself.
> The former appears to be volunteer collectors of mainly analogue-era
> Philips
> gear and I can almost smell the chain-smoked roll-ups just from the photos,
> whereas the latter looks rather more corporate.
> (I am occasionally contacted by Philips' recruiters trying to lure me to
> work at some nasty industrial park near Eindhoven airport. There is usually
> tumbleweed after I point out the seven hour commute and ask if they've
> considered remote-working.)
> I only note this because I have Weekend Vrij and a Museumkaart, and my
> random spin for where to visit this weekend landed on Eindhoven and thence
> to the Philips Museum, which reminded me of this thread. Unfortunatly, SBHP
> is closed at weekends (and doesn't accept Museumkaart, but I could have
> probably scraped together the €4 entry fee) which is a shame as it looks by
> far the more interesting of the two. If I spot a P2000C and remember, I'll
> try and get a photo although I doubt they'll let me dig it out of the
> cabinet and go over it with my micrometer...
> It may also be worth reaching out to the HomeComputerMuseum (sic) in
> Helmond
> ( who are quite friendly and have a
> well-curated collection, including quite a lot of Philips gear. It's not
> directly relevant to this query, but they have a very impressive collection
> of CD-i machines, hardware prototypes, and media. They have a P2000C, which
> is on display for the public to use, and a suitable donation would probably
> get all the photos and measurements you want:
> As a last resort, there's the Bonami Games and Computers Museum in Zwolle
> ( although it's basically just a huge barn
> with a
> load of random stuff piled in it and poor labelling, so I'd try them last:
> I
> took some lovely atmospheric pictures of 60s and 70s Big Iron when I
> visited, but have no idea what half of it is. I suspect they don't know
> either.

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