Updated information:

I have the Pi Console up and running a getty shell on the VT-220 (as 9600 baud).

I start the Oscars OpenVG client with *./sw2 localhost 2222

*I have this same issue whether I am using an ssh shell or the VT-220 shell.
The spacewars game comes up on the HDMI display and keys 1, 2, 3 & 4 work.  None of the other keys work.

Original Message:
/I am trying to run spacewar (IF-4) on my PiDP-8/I with the video running on the PI HDMI monitor and the keyboard being my VT-220 attached via USB to RS-232 adapter.//
//I am able run OS/8 on the VT-220.//
//I am able to run spacewar running with the remote VC8E program on my Windows box (port 2222)//
//I installed openvg from github//
//I followed Oscar's directions in the read me file from here: https://groups.google.com/g/pidp-8/c/J6rXWg8btYY//
//I did not recompile the spacewars program to use the front panel.  I want to use the keys on the VT-220 instead.//
//How do I get SW2 to run and use the keys from the VT-220?//
//I get OS/8 to boot with the console command in simh.//
//Thank you,//
//         Mike//

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