On 7/30/22 09:15, Grant Taylor via cctalk wrote:
> Hi,
> I just saw an unknown to me connector listed on an eBay auction and was
> wondering if anyone knows more about an "FS/2" connector.
> Link - FS/2 to IBM PC-AT P-1940-0042 CABLE 6 FOOT FREE SHIPPING
>  - https://www.ebay.com/itm/304580270070
> I assumed it was a typo / poor original copy that should have been a
> "PS/2".  But hovering over the label on the first three pictures clearly
> shows "FS/2".  Whats more is the kerning on the "F" is easily
> differentiated from the "P" elsewhere on the same label.  So it seems
> that it's not the typo / faded label / etc. that I assumed it was before
> clicking on the link.
> So ... does anyone know what an "FS/2" connector is?

>From the fuzzy photos, looks like a DE0 (EGA? CGA?) connector to
S-video.   But I'm not at all certain about that.


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