Here is a link to a set of screen shot of the autoexec.bat and
config.sys for an IBM PC I came across today and the boot screen when
these are attempted without the networking hardware attached..

Specific to IBMPC to DECNET networking...anyone worked in this
environment?  Not me.  I don't have the D drive that fails or the
network, but I am curious what I would need to make this work.  Maybe
I can put something together.  Anyone using a Digital Ethernet
Personal Computer Bus Adapter today?

The A drive had a jumper between 4-pin connectors 10 and 13 but it was
not functional and I replaced the drive entirely.  Not sure if I
needed a 720K drive attached externally or something in order for the
5 1/4" drive jumpered this way to work.  I have a pic of this there


Thanks in advance.


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