It may have a processor inside. if it is the one I think it is, it uses 2900 
If you can send a picture I may be able to tell.
From: cctalk <> on behalf of dancohoe--- via 
cctalk <>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2022 1:45 PM
To: 'dwight via cctalk' <>
Subject: Nicolet Computer interest

Hi Dwight,

In 2010 I purchased a Nicolet LAS 12/70 Data and Signal Processor System box
on ebay.  I hoped it was a Nicolet computer but then could find nothing
online about it.

It's on the shelf here and I've never looked inside to see what's there.
It's ridiculously heavy.

I don't know if there's anything useful from it for you guys, but I can take
a look at what is on the inside and report back.

Regards,  Dan

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