Hi all,

you're invited to the Update computer club[0] public lecture series

When:  2022-05-14, 19:00 CEST
Where: https://bbb.cryptoparty.se/b/upd-0mo-m2u-aq8

The Danish Data History Association is on the move …
We, the Danish Data History Association (Dansk Datahistorisk Forening),
were founded more than 20 years ago and have primarily lived (quietly)
underground in a cellar in the outskirts of Copenhagen. In 2020 the
municipality of Ballerup, who were our hosts, decided to use the approx.
1000 m² for other purposes than us. Two years later – in February 2022 –
we had a "grand" opening of our new experimental data museum with a
600 m² exhibition. What happened? And what's the plan moving forward?
Michael Ørnø (DDHF)

The lecture is free and open to everyone.

Don't want to miss upcoming events? Subscribe to our low-traffic
announcement list here[2]!

Hope to see you there,

[0] https://www.dfupdate.se/en/
[1] https://wiki.dfupdate.se/projekt:updateringar
[2] https://lists.dfupdate.se/postorius/lists/announce.lists.dfupdate.se

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