> On May 12, 2022, at 11:37 AM, Peter Coghlan via cctalk
> <cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:
> Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
>> On 2022-05-11 7:02 p.m., Peter Coghlan via cctalk wrote:
>>> Given the normal usage that has evolved for the terms DC and AC rather than
>>> their dictionary definitions, I would suggest that the current that gets
>>> passed by a rectifier has both a DC component and an AC component. When
>> It does not, due to unidirectionality.
> Consider the current through the rectifier as the sum of a "DC" current plus
> an "AC" current. The "DC" current has a steady positive value and the "AC"
> current varies above and below zero with a magnitude less than or equal to
> that of the "DC" current.
> When the two are summed, the result is a varying current which does not go
> below zero. This is what I mean by it having a DC component and an AC
> component.
Sure, that's the standard way to look at a signal. It becomes very obvious
when you do a Fourier transform; you see a term at f=0 (the DC offset) and
terms at f equal to multiples of the mains frequency.