>Date: Wed, 11 May 2022 06:24:38 -0400
>From: Bill Gunshannon <bill.gunshan...@hotmail.com>
>To: Fred Cisin <ci...@xenosoft.com>, "General Discussion: On-Topic and
   Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk@classiccmp.org>
>Subject: Re: The TRS-80 Journey Continues
>>On 5/10/22 22:33, Fred Cisin wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 May 2022, Bill Gunshannon via cctalk wrote:
>>DDensity.? I thought there was a single command to make the system
>>part and then you just added the Utilities you wanted.
>>Was it SYSGEN?
>As near as I can tell SYSGEN only modifies a file (or two) but
>does not copy any files to a new location.

No, SYSGEN is the CP/M command to initialize a blank, formatted disk with the 
CP/M system:

“The SYSGEN transient command allows generation of an initialized disk 
containing the CP/M operating system. The SYSGEN program prompts the console 
for commands by interacting as shown...” (From 

SYSGEN puts the CP/M system files on a reserved (not visible) area of the disk. 
It is a separate program, not a built-in command. On the Osborne (which I 
used), CP/M was 4KB in size. You can use then use PIP to copy the other, 
visible files.


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