Well, I hope this doesn't sound too stupid but I have searched all
the manuals I have and the web as well with no luck.

How do I make a bootable floppy from a running hard disk system?
Not copy an image to a floppy but build a bootable floppy disk
on a real running system.  I know it can be done because we had
to do it all the time in the good old days.  You couldn't just
make repeated copies of the original because BACKUP only worked
on disks of exactly the same format and we used to change physical
disks all the time.  35 track, 40 track, 80 track, SS, DS, SDensity,
DDensity.  I thought there was a single command to make the system
part and then you just added the Utilities you wanted.

Does anyone have instructions on how to do this?


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