Bill, Sorry, I understand now. Assuming you have the confirmed ability to make a disk from DSK image you found a corrupted DSK file. Gotcha. I am kind of busy at the moment, but I do have the disk you need, the actual disk. If you find no other source I could image mine for you. Otherwise you're welcome to bring your machine to Kennett Classic and do the work here. I just need a heads up to know to bring the disk for you that day. Bill Degnan
On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 2:50 PM Bill Gunshannon via cctalk <> wrote: > > On 5/4/22 14:35, Bill Degnan wrote: > > Bill, > > I searched for "montezuma 2.2 hard drive install" on Google: > > > > > > > > I have been through the process a few times, it's pretty > > straight-forward if you use these directions. > > > > Yeah, I have that. But it requires pieces that are not in my > distribution of MM 2.2 and attempts to find any of it on the > web have proven unsuccessful. The one floppy image (MMRSHD,DSK) > I found (in more than one place) that is supposed to have it > seems to be corrupted. If you know where I can find FIXCPM and > the hard drive DRIVERS I would greatly appreciate it. > > > bill