Cut the pins with a very sharp set of dykes then remove them one at a time. 
Then use flux and detailer braid to remove the solder

On April 15, 2022 1:49:33 PM EDT, Rob Jarratt via cctalk 
<> wrote:
>I am trying to remove an IC from my PDP 11/24 CPU, a DS8641. I am really
>struggling to desolder it. I am using the technique of applying fresh solder
>and then removing it. But after multiple cycles of this I think I am
>starting to damage the PCB.
>I am using a fairly cheap desoldering station (this one
>01384?st=duratool%20desoldering). Its spec in terms of vacuum pressure is
>equivalent to that of the professional Hakko ones though. I am also trying a
>hand desoldering pump. None of these are able to clear many of the holes of
>solder, although some are doing better than others. Nevertheless, the IC
>remains stubbornly unmoving.
>Are there any tips for removing ICs?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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