It's worth what someone is willing to pay for it and this will vary widely.

I got one for EUR 20 in 2006.  I didn't think this was a bargain because
I was under the impression I was getting it for free before I travelled
to pick it up.  The previous owner had no further use for it and needed
the space it was taking up.

I think it's a nice machine although an Alphaserver 2100A would be nicer.
It looks and sounds like a real computer except the front panel is a bit
pathetic.  It is great for heating the room in winter.  However, it doesn't
seem to have any commercial value.

Peter Coghlan.

What is an AlphaServer 2100 worth? There was one at RePC in Seattle a couple weeks ago and I was thinking about purchasing it.

On 4/14/22 2:36 PM, Antonio Carlini via cctalk wrote:
On 12/04/2022 16:34, Dave Wade G4UGM via cctalk wrote:
Does no one fancy a go at this. Had zero interest...

(OFFLIST, I think)

I'm assuming the machine is safe, at least for the moment?

I've actually got less room now than when I had to let it go, so hopefully it can just sit in a corner and be a useful table end or something for a while?

I'm currently struggling with a uVAX 3600 PSu and a VAX 4000 PSU, so if I ever fix those, maybe I can help with the AS2100 ...


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