The list doesn't send any of the emails, but I get forged emails that were harvested from someone with a folder full of different emails.

They show up with all the addresses, a lot of them email addresses from here, all in the From: or CC: field, which the list mail server never does.

I've not seen them, but you getting the spam is the luck of the draw having a list posts of yours with the email address in someones folder that was scanned.

Paul  said he'd not seen any, because by luck he didn't have an email in the email client for whoever got scanned.

I get them from a couple of different email lists that pinched my address, and is probably now sold bulk along with the harvested address.

Again the only relation to this list was that your email post address was harvested from an email on someones email client.  The actual spams don't get sent thru the list out to all of us.  I've seen very little of that in a long time if any.


On 4/14/2022 11:08 AM, dwight via cctalk wrote:
I was just wondering if I was the only one. It may have been through someplace 
else I've been at.
I just wanted to send the warning. I've seen 3 in the last day.
I must be on someone's list.

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