On 2022-Mar-31, at 4:12 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> From: Brent Hilpert
>> So apparently I've been looking at the wrong +5V supply (H777) because
>> the rest of you are indeed looking at a different +5 supply (H7140),
>> both of which are in that same 11/24 pdf document
> That's because the H777 is the P/S for the BA11-L 5-1/4" box, and the H7140
> is the P/S for the BA11-A 10-1/2" box - both of which are, quite reasonably,
> covered in the -11/24 print set.
>> I really wish when people are asking for assistance or talking about a
>> schematic or circuit they would include a link/reference to exactly
>> what they are looking at
> But everone probably _was_ looking at the same document - just different
> pages! Alas, DEC doesn't number _all_ the pages with a 'unique within the
> print set' identifier.

> Still, one could say 'page xx of the PDF'.

Which is what I do in these sorts of discussions, at least if it has not been 
specified previously, and especially when dealing with larger docs. E.g. from 
my previous messages in this thread:

        ref: pdfPg.152,etc of 

        pdfPg.30 of 

(The latter being the page for the H777 I was mistakenly looking at.)

Makes it easier for a recipient, everyone following, and yourself if you have 
to go back to it in the course of subsequent discussion.

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