On 2/22/2022 12:29 PM, Ray Jewhurst via cctalk wrote:
I was wondering how well a Greaseweasel would write floppies for my Rainbow.
Also, I saw that someone had images for Venix-86 Rainbow and I was wondering if
they would be interested in sharing them.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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I was certainly able to *read* them on my Greaseweazle, using a real
RX50 drive, and compared them to images I had read earlier under MS-DOS
with a driver on a 360K drive. I see no reason offhand why they could
not be written with a Greaseweazle as well, unless the actual sector
encoding (as opposed to sector size) is weird - and I don't recall that
it is. BTW, I used a Greaseweazle to write some IBM DD floppies for
someone with a System/36 (IIRC) using a DSDD drive I borrowed from my DG
S/140, and they worked fine for him.