> On Jan 1, 2022, at 1:12 PM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> This:
>    https://www.ebay.com/itm/275084268137
> The starting price is expensive, but probably not utterly unreasonable,
> given that:
> - the 780 was the first VAX, and thus historically important
> - 780's are incredibly rare; this is the first one I recall seeing for sale
>  in the classic computer era (versus several -11/70's, /40s, etc)
> - this one appears to be reasonably complete; no idea if all the key CPU
>  boards are included, but it's things like the backplane, etc (all of which
>  seem to be there) which would be completely impossible to find now - if any
>  boards _are_ missing, there's at least the _hope_ that they can be located
>  (780 boards seem to come by every so often on eBait), since people seem to
>  keep boards, not realizing that without the other bits they are useless

Interesting, but the argument for why it's not tested is implausible which 
makes me very suspicious.  I suppose there might be a few American homes that  
have only 110 volt power, but I'm hard pressed to think of any I have ever 
seen, and that includes really old houses.


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