Hey all -- Got the TC01 working the other night, after a couple weeks of debugging (*). I'd like to be able to have both it and the RF08 that I'm working on connected to the 8/I and running at the same time, so I'm looking for a DM01 Data Multiplexer. If anyone has any leads, do let me know.
Thanks as always, - Josh (*) Total TC01 fault count (so far): - Bad transistor in TU55 motor brake control (W040) - Bad jumper solder joints in TU55 (W990) - Timing of UTS and U+M one-shots (R303) way out of adjustment (U+M one-shot was at 2 seconds or so...) - Bad tape data relay (G851) - Bad IOT decoder transistor (W103) - Missing Diode (W113) and weak diode in Write enable selection logic - Timing of write clock way, way out of adjustment (90Khz vs. 125Khz expected.) - 24 dead maintenance panel bulbs - 2 dead TU55 bulbs (yet to be replaced)