Juicessh ap for android has telnet.  I use it for my vax boxes.

If you are concerned about connecting to the internet, the biggest risk is
having a nail server running.  Usually when bots probe for telnet hosts
they dont attempt a vms style login, so it's not so risky just to have a
vax running vms in and of itself.

On Sun, Oct 31, 2021, 4:37 PM Chuck Guzis via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org>

> On 10/31/21 1:06 PM, Douglas Taylor via cctalk wrote:
> > I would like to use my tablet, Samsung Tab E model SM-T560NU, to connect
> > to my VAX and Linux computers.  There seem to be a large number of
> > 'Apps' out there.  What is a good one to use?
> >
> > The VAX doesn't have SSH only insecure TELNET.  Another can of worms,
> > SSH on the Vax?
> You might do what I do--isolate your vintage/old machines on their own
> sub-net with no connection to the outside.  It's not as if you'll do web
> browsing on the VAX, after all.
> ftp and telnet word for me.
> --Chuck

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